Saturday, March 1, 2014

March 26: At Sea

Today being sub-optimal, we have focused on getting most of our packing done to free up more time on deck tomorrow if the weather improves.

I decided that in preparation for returning from the sea a haircut was in order.  Having gotten one at the 'salon' on other ships, I anticipated lots of scissor time for the amount of hair I still possessed followed by a ridiculously large bill.  My barber turned out to be a young lady for whom English was most definitely a distant second language.  My instruction to take some off the sides and clean up the top resulted in the shortest haircut I have had since boot camp in 1970.  It was even done the same way - electric clippers - with the first pass right down the middle of the hair on top.  As for what Pam thought of my new look, that is a story for another time.

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